Safety First
At Tarnagulla Primary School, we value student and staff safety in all areas of learning. Being safe in our school is a priority, and we aim to help every student understand the importance of safety in a variety of environments. We actively teach students through integrated learning programs and everyday learning experiences how to be safe in the classroom, schoolyard, while out on excursions and at home.
Respect Always
Respect is one of our core values as a school. We work with our students to help them understand the importance of respect inside and outside the classroom environment. Through a variety of learning experiences, students develop the understanding of what respect is, what it looks like, how it feels and how they can be respectful to others.
Effort Before Achievement
At Tarnagulla Primary School, we value students’ efforts in their learning, before their achievements. Although we see both effort and achievement being important values, we have seen that an emphasis on the work and effort that a student puts into their learning not only engages students with their learning, but it often results in a higher level of achievement as there is a level of pride taken in the work that they do. By valuing the effort they are putting in, students work harder and enjoy their learning more.